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#01 Download & Install Requirement - Native JavaFX Project Tutorial from Scratch to Deployment

#01 Download & Install Requirement - Native JavaFX Project Tutorial from Scratch to Deployment

#01 Download & Install Requirement - Native JavaFX Project Tutorial from Scratch to Deployment

For this project we need a software to run on all Windows Platform like Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, (x86) 32 Bits ".

For that we are using Java 8 jdk-8u261-windows-i586 as default project SDK.

For the editor i am using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition which for my opinion is the best.

For Front-End GLUON Scene Builder 8.5.0 for Java 8 that include .fxml file with attached controller and Main class to quick start is replacing Java Swing GUI. 

Download & Install Requirement

Download & Install Requirement - Native JavaFX Project Tutorial from Scratch to Deployment

Download Link below for :

Further on this tutorial we will need this :  

Watch Tutorial
